
Aksesoris Listrik : Jasa Konsultan Engineering

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Aksesoris Listrik : Jasa Konsultan Engineering


Design and Consultancy

Feasibility Studies

  • Electrical Designs and Specifications for Electrical Power Networks from 11kV to 150kV

  • Electrical connections and infrastructure for renewable generation schemes

Technical Services

Substation and Powerplant condition assessments and surveys

Building Services

Design/Specifications and project management for commercial and industrial installations

  • Lightning Protection Systems

Earthing Design and Transient Analysis

Electrical interference studies with other services

  • Design/Re-design of substation earthing systems (11kV to 400kV)

  • Earthing system modelling

  • Design of Earthing / Lightning Protection /LV Supplies for aerial installations on transmission towers

  • Lightning Protection Schemes

  • Fast Transient Analysis Studies

  • Insulation Co-ordination

Power Quality

  • Quality of Supply and fixed plant assessments and advice

  • Harmonic measurement analysis

  • Flicker measurement and analysis

  • Transient disturbance measurement and analysis


Protection scheme design and specification for Generation, Transmission and Distribution systems

Power System Analysis

Full range of power system analysis studies ( Load Flow, Short Circuit, Harmonic, Protection Co-ordination, Dynamic Stability)


Specialized computer hardware and software can assist with analysis of power system problems. A computer model enables the engineer to readily perform complex calculations and to evaluate the performance of the system by simulation. After the study has been completed, a copy may be retained which could reduce the cost of future updates. This copy can be especially helpful if an arc flash study is required.

Load Flow and Power Factor Studies

Load flow studies are used to predict normal current flows and voltages. They are also used to determine voltage levels that will result from motor starting or other transient loading conditions. These results can be used to adjust transformer tap settings or take other measures that will avoid problems due to under or over voltage. Motor and lighting load can cause low power factor – resulting in higher current flow and possible utility bill penalties. A power factor study can identify solutions that will Reducetotal system loading and provide a positive impact on cash flow.

Short Circuit Studies

Modern electrical power systems must function properly in the event of an insulation failure (fault) and the resulting short circuitcurrent. Overcurrent protective devices, such as circuit breakersand fuses, are designed to interrupt the short circuit current safely with minimum equipment damage and minimum disruption to the facility’s operation. Other parts of the system, such as transformers, cables, busways and switches, should be able to withstand the mechanical and thermal stresses resulting from the flow of short circuit current. Personnel injury, extensive damage and prolonged downtime can result if the power system equipment is not adequately rated for the available fault current. Additionally, the National Electrical Code requires that overcurrent protective devices: “shall have an interrupting rating sufficient for . . . the (fault) current that is available . . .”

A system short circuit study will determine the magnitude of fault current and whether equipment is properly rated to interrupt or withstand the short circuit.For new facilities, a short circuit study should be performed before the electrical equipment is selected. For existing facilities, a short circuit study should be performed if significant changes have occurred either within the facility or in the utility system.

Arc Flash Hazard Analysis

The National Fire Protection Association Guidelines (NFPA 70E) require facility owners to perform an arc flash hazard analysisprior to allowing a worker to perform a task on energized equipment.

NFPA 70E is referenced in the OSHA 1910 standard. The arc flash analysis identifies the presence and location of potential hazards and provides recommendations for PPE, boundaries for limited, restricted and prohibited approaches, recommendations for flash protection, and safe work practices.

Coordination Studies

The protective device immediately upstream of the location of the fault should isolate the short circuit quickly and minimize damage and service interruption. If the protective device fails to isolate the fault in a predetermined time, the backup devices further upstream should operate in a coordinated fashion.

Power system study engineers perform coordination studies to select proper settings or sizes for relays, breakers and fuses. The engineer must often arbitrate between competing solutions to achieve maximum protection while ensuring minimum service interruption.

Harmonic Studies

Power quality problems due to harmonic voltage and current distortion have become more common occurrences due to the increasing number of non-linear loads such as variable speed drives, UPS’s and computers.Harmonic studies involve mathematical modeling of the power system to identify potential power quality problems and to evaluate possible solutions. Harmonic studies can be performed before system installation or after a power quality problem has been identified in an existing system.

Conditions which may require a harmonic study:

  • system design that includes a high percentage of non-linear loads

  • equipment overheating, computer malfunctioning and excessive fuse operation

  • installation of a capacitor bank in a system where more than 20 percent of the load is non-linear

  • power company requirements that limit injection of harmonics back into the utility system





Description of Scope



Power System Study

1. Load flow studies to asses equipment rating and loading, voltage profile, losses etc.

PT. DSS Karawang 1 (member of APP-Sinar Mas Group) is coal power plant which supply electricity to Pindo Deli (paper mills plant) around 30MW, syncronizing between power plant and PLN to be done through power transformer 3 x 50MVA, 70/20kV

1. Fault level studies to, short circuit current levels and flows to asses equipment capabilities and undertake protection co-ordination studies.

2. Protection studies to determine protective device settings to achieve coordination

3. Transient stability and load sheeding studies to assess system responses to events such as fault disturbances, generation trips / start up etc.

4. Harmonic studies to asses harmonic distortion levels and penetration and effectiveness of any potential mitigation measures


Rimau Electric

Power System Study

1. Load flow studies to asses equipment rating and loading, voltage profile, losses etc.

PT. Rimau Electric is owner of coal power plant at tamiyang Kalimantan Tengah which supply electricity to PLN 2 x 3.5MW, synchronizing with PLN at 20kV feeder

1. Fault level studies to, short circuit current levels and flows to asses equipment capabilities and undertake protection co-ordination studies.

2. Protection studies to determine protective device settings to achieve coordination


PT Indokomas Buana Perkasa

Power System Study

1. Load flow studies to asses equipment rating and loading, voltage profile, losses etc.

PT. Indokomas is contractor of coal power plant 2 x 7MW at Berau Kalimantan Timur which supply electricity to PLN, synchronizing with PLN at 20kV

1. Fault level studies to, short circuit current levels and flows to asses equipment capabilities and undertake protection co-ordination studies.

2. Protection studies to determine protective device settings to achieve coordination


PT Arena Maju Bersama

Power System Study

1. Load flow studies to asses equipment rating and loading, voltage profile, losses etc.

PT Arena is owner of coal bed methane genset power plant 10 x 700kW at Tayan-West Kalimantan which supply electricity to PLN, synchronizing with PLN at 20kV

1. Fault level studies to, short circuit current levels and flows to asses equipment capabilities and undertake protection co-ordination studies.

2. Protection studies to determine protective device settings to achieve coordination


PT Bayu Bumi Gemilang

Power System Study

1. Load flow studies to asses equipment rating and loading, voltage profile, losses etc.

PT. Bayu Bumi Gemilang is owner of gas engine power plant which supply electricity to PLN and Industrial customer at Belimbing Bontang, 4 x 2MW, synchronizing with PLN at 20kV

1. Protection studies to determine protective device settings to achieve coordination

2. Transient stability and load sheeding studies to assess system responses to events such as fault disturbances, generation trips / start up etc.


PT Bayu Bumi Gemilang

Power System Study

1. Load flow studies to asses equipment rating and loading, voltage profile, losses etc.

PT. Bayu Bumi Gemilang is owner of gas engine power plant which supply electricity to Industrial customer at Gresik, 4 x 2MW, synchronizing with PLN at 20kV feeder

1. Fault level studies to, short circuit current levels and flows to asses equipment capabilities and undertake protection co-ordination studies.

2. Power Quality Investigation, including measurement and analysis of harmonic distortion, voltage flicker, voltage dip; Demand (real, reactive, pf etc); transient short circuit.


PT Garuda Maintenance Facility

Power System Study

1. Power Quality Investigation, including measurement and analysis of harmonic distortion, voltage flicker, voltage dip; Demand (real, reactive, pf etc); transient short circuit.

PT Garuda indonesia facility is owner of maintenance facility is owner of maintenance facility of air plane at Cengkareng Soekarno Hatta airport, the distribution system using medium voltage system 20kV from PLN

1. Assessment, design and specification of remedial measure to improve power quality, transient performance etc.


PT Hasta Prajatama

Power System Study

1. Load flow studies to asses equipment rating and loading, voltage profile, losses etc.

PT. Hasta Prajatama is contractor of mycrohidro powerplant 3 x 3MW at Cilaki 2 West Java which supply electricity to PLN, synchronizing with PLN at 20kV feeder

1. Fault level studies to, short circuit current levels and flows to asses equipment capabilities and undertake protection co-ordination studies.

2. Protection studies to determine protective device settings to achieve coordination


PT Bina Guna Kimia

Power System Study

1. Load flow studies to asses equipment rating and loading, voltage profile, losses etc.

PT. Bina Guna kimia (FMC group) is owner of fertilize plant at semarang central java, the plant distribution system (1MVA) using medium voltage system 20kV from PLN, and low voltage 400V system

1. Fault level studies to, short circuit current levels and flows to asses equipment capabilities and undertake protection co-ordination studies.

2. Protection studies to determine protective device settings to achieve coordination

3. Power Quality Investigation, including measurement and analysis of harmonic distortion, voltage flicker, voltage dip; Demand (real, reactive, pf etc); transient short circuit.

4. Assessment, design and specification of remedial measure to improve power quality, transient performance etc.

5. Measurement of the local soil resistivite caracteristic for substation and generation protection

6. Design and specification of generation and substation earthing system to meet electrical and lightning protection system requirement and produce safe step and touch potential

7. Measurement of impedance of installed earthing system


PT Indo Korsa

Power System Study

1. Load flow studies to asses equipment rating and loading, voltage profile, losses etc.

2. Fault level studies to, short circuit current levels and flows to asses equipment capabilities and undertake protection co-ordination studies.

PT Indo Korsa is owner of tire plant at citereup west java, the plant distribution system (20MVA) using meium voltage

1. Motor Starting Studies


PT ASUKA Engineering Indonesia

Power System Study

1. Load flow studies to asses equipment rating and loading, voltage profile, losses etc.

PT. Hasta Prajatama is contractor of oxygen plant at cilegon west java which have power distribution around 40MVA, Using 11kV and 400V power distribution

1. Fault level studies to, short circuit current levels and flows to asses equipment capabilities and undertake protection co-ordination studies.

2. Protection studies to determine protective device settings to achieve coordination

3. Motor Starting Studies


AKUO Energi Indonesia

Power System Study

1. Load flow studies to asses equipment rating and loading, voltage profile, losses etc.

Akuo Energy Indonesia as a leading company in renewable energy technology industry is planning to interconnect its generated electricity from the Solar PV Power Plant to the national grid (PLN).

1. Fault level studies to, short circuit current levels and flows to asses equipment capabilities and undertake protection co-ordination studies.

2. Protection studies to determine protective device settings to achieve coordination

3. Transient stability and load sheeding studies to assess system responses to events such as fault disturbances, generation trips / start up etc.


PT ASUKA Engineering Indonesia

Power System Study

1. Load flow studies to asses equipment rating and loading, voltage profile, losses etc.

Power assessment in PT Cargill Serang Plant

1. Fault level studies to, short circuit current levels and flows to asses equipment capabilities and undertake protection co-ordination studies.


Suveiyor Indonesia

Power System Study

1. Grounding Grid Study

PT Antam 2 x 30 MW CFPP Antam Pomalaa


PT ASUKA Engineering Indonesia

PT Holcim

Testing and calibration protection relay and KWh meter


PT Industira

PLTMH Cirompang

Design and manufacturing neutral grounding Transformers


PT Indokomas Buana Perkasa

PLTU Berau

Design and manufacturing neutral grounding Transformers


PT Cyma Engineering Indonesia

LV main distribution and lighting panel



PLTA Jatigede

Manufacture lighting pole and transmission pole installation


PT Navitas

Design and manufacturing neutral grounding Resistor




Installation cable gardu LNK AND SUPLAY KABEL




Power Study and Relay Coordination Report




Maintenane MCC, Switchgear and motor




Maintenance Magnetblast Breaker



Power System Study


PT.Arena Maju Bersama

PLTGB TAYAN Kalimantan Barat 9 x 1000 KVA

Outgoing MV 20 KV SwitchGear

Incoming MV 20 KV SwitchGear

PT BUS MV 20 KV SwitchGear

Oux Travo 20 KV SwitchGear

Interface LV SwitchGear

LV SwitchGear

Main Distribution

Panel Battery and Charger 24 VDC

Lighting Panel

NGR 20 KV Outdoor

KWH Panel

Installation, Testing and Commissioning


PT.Rimau Elektrik

PLTU Tamiyang 2 x 3 MW

Metal Clad Out Going 20kV

Metal Clad Incoming 20kV

KWh Panel

Battery and Charger

Lighting Panel


Installation, Testing and Commissioning


Installation, Testing and Commissioning


PT.Zug Industry

PLTU Tamiyang 2 x 3 MW

Generator Control Panel 2 x 350 kVA

LV SwitchGear

Testing and Comissioning (20kV, 6.6 kV swgr) consist of 12 switchgear

Installation, testing and commisioning


PT. Andys Kencana

Gedung Senat Unibraw

Ligthing Protection

Distribution Board

Fire Alarm


Lighting Panel

installation, and commisoning


PT. ZUG Industry

PLTU Sangau 2 x 7MW

Fire Alarm

installation and commisoning


PT. DSS Karawang 1

Power Study and Maintenance service



Power Study

Transient Stability and Load sheeding

Service Relay Protection & Circuit Breaker

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